PITTSBURGH, PA (December 17, 2020) The City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works is continuing to treat and clear roads throughout the city in response to the nearly 10 inches of snow that fell over the past day, which has been registered as the fifth largest December snowfall event in Pittsburgh’s recorded history.
Public Works crews have been working continuously around the clock starting with pre-treatment of the roads on Wednesday morning, working throughout the storm, then continuing removal efforts into today and tonight despite having 25 employees off due to COVID-related reasons.
Additional Public Works personnel have been brought in to assist with snow removal and applying deicing materials for bridges, sidewalks and steps.
Snow Plow tracker is activated and available here. Approximately 14 trucks experienced interruptions in data reporting and were not visible on the tracker. The City is working with the software provider to resolve this.
Some neighborhoods are experiencing recycling collections delays due to staffing issues in the Environmental Services division. Residents of the California-Kirkbride, Perry North/Observatory Hill, Perry Hilltop, Arlington, Mount Oliver and South Side Slopes neighborhoods are asked to leave their recycling at the curb as crews will be working extended shifts to collect them through the remainder of the week. Residents are reminded to ensure their refuse and recycling is free of snow for collection.
Crews will continue to address snow removal and additional snowfall is anticipated this afternoon. Out of an abundance of safety, residents are asked to only use the roads when necessary and avoid cleaning cars and sidewalks into the street.