City Creates Grant Program to Support Community Youth Sports Programs

PITTSBURGH, PA (June 29, 2021) Mayor William Peduto and City Council President Theresa Kail-Smith have proposed the creation of a new Youth Sports Grant Program that will allow neighborhood and community sports organizations to apply for funding.  

Many communities organize sport programs to provide development opportunities for young people, but managing youth sport programming can be costly. Grant funding from this program can be used to fund operations and purchasing of equipment and uniforms. The program is budgeted to have $150,000 a year available for applications from community sports organizations and will be managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation.  

“I’d like to thank Mayor Peduto, Chief of Staff Dan Gilman and Office of Management and Budget Director Kevin Pawlos for committing this investment for our youth around the city and my colleagues on City Council for their anticipated support,” said Council President Kail-Smith. “I also want to thank our coaches, families and volunteers who are doing important work for our young people and strengthening our communities by giving them the opportunity to be part of a team and who will now have additional city resources to continue their great work.”  


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Molly Onufer
Communications Director
Mayor's Office