City Receives Additional $7 Million for COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program

PITTSBURGH, PA (July 12, 2021) The City of Pittsburgh has received an additional $7 million for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program to assist those impacted financially from the COVID-19 crisis.  

The City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County established the program in partnership with Action Housing and Dollar Energy in February after receiving federal funding from the Consolidated Appropriations Act. The County originally received $27 million and the City $8.9 million in U.S. Treasury grants from the Act that was signed into law in December. The additional $7 million in U.S. Treasury grants would assist households having trouble paying rents and utilities related to the pandemic.  

The grant funding can be used for rent, rental arrears, utilities, utility arrears, and other housing expenses resulting from the pandemic for households meeting certain income criteria. The assistance can last up to 12 months plus an additional three months, if necessary, to ensure housing stability. 

The application and additional information about the program are available here.  


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Molly Onufer
Communications Director
Mayor's Office