City of Pittsburgh Offering Swimming Vouchers for Dormont Pool

PITTSBURGH, PA (July 29, 2021) The City of Pittsburgh Department of Parks and Recreation (Citiparks) has announced a new program for City residents to use voucher coupons to swim at the Dormont Pool for the remainder of the summer 2021 season.  

City residents will be able to present coupon vouchers at the Dormont Pool for free entry for children and $2.oo off for adults, matching the daily City pool rate of $5 per day for adults. Coupons will be available starting July 30 from the eight open City of Pittsburgh pool locations during business hours or from Brookline Recreation Center or Phillips Recreation Center between 9 a.m and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. City season pool tags are not transferrable at the Dormont Pool.  

The program was initiated under the leadership of Pittsburgh City Council in partnership with the Borough of Dormont.  

The Dormont Pool is open Tuesday to Sunday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. until August 22. After that, it will be open on weekends through Labor Day. City pool schedules are available on the Citiparks website



Borough of Dormont Media Contact:
Bethany Bachman
Community Events and Communications Coordinator 


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Molly Onufer
Communications Director
Mayor's Office