City of Pittsburgh Seeks Artists for Public Art Opportunity in Homewood Park

PITTSBURGH, PA (August 9, 2021) The City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning (DCP) and Department of Public Works (DPW) are seeking artists to submit their qualifications for an opportunity to create public art as part of the Homewood Park and Willie Stargell Field improvement project. Up to three artists or artist teams will be selected to work with the community to create public art inspired by Homewood’s history, notable neighbors, organizations and events.   

The park improvement project is being guided by the Homewood Park Master Plan which was developed by the community in 2015. The plan outlines including a community gathering space in the park called the hub, which will house the new public art feature on surfaces like pavement, steps, ramps, building facades or as a standalone feature.   

“We are excited to see the hard work in Homewood Park start to come to life,” said Mayor William Peduto. “This Percent for Art project will not only elevate artists and their work, it will also celebrate the Homewood community’s rich history in an innovative and accessible way.”   

The $120,000 funding for this public art project comes from the City’s Percent for Art ordinance, which stipulates at least one percent of the budget for municipal construction or the renovation of public buildings are to be allocated to fund works of art.    

The project team, which includes DPW, DCP, Studio Zewde and other community stakeholders, are seeking artists who have completed at least one prior project of significant impact and scale. Artists from Homewood are strongly encouraged to apply. A copy of the request for proposals is available here and applicants must apply through Beacon, the City’s online procurement system.

The Department of City Planning’s Public Art and Civic Design division will hold two artist information sessions on August 23 and 24 to provide interested artists with an overview of the opportunity, a tutorial for registering in Beacon and a walkthrough of the steps for this specific project. Applications are being accepted now through September 7.  

To learn more about the project, find links to the information sessions and the application, visit the Homewood Park Improvement Project EngagePGH Page.  


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Molly Onufer
Communications Director
Mayor's Office