Child Care Quality Fund Grants Over $387,250 for Improvements to Local Child Care Facilities

PITTSBURGH, PA (September 21, 2021) Mayor William Peduto’s Office of Equity has announced that the Child Care Quality Fund (CCFQ) has awarded $387,250 in grants to eleven local licensed child care facilities to implement strategic investments to ensure that young children have access to safe and high quality early learning and care, as well as to help improve their state Keystone STARS quality rating.  

This is the first round of grant awards under the program chosen by the CCQF selection committee, who will review applications and disburse grants from the $2 million fund each quarter. Facilities can qualify for maximum funding amounts based on their size. One family and group child care home was awarded the maximum $12,500; $124,750 total will be invested in improvements to five centers licensed to serve under 100 children; and $250,000 total was awarded to five centers licensed to serve over 100 children.  

The child care facilities that were granted the funding are located in Bloomfield, Brookline, Carrick, Crawford-Roberts, Downtown, East Liberty, Greenfield, Larimer, Mount Washington and Perry Hilltop.  

Each awardee will work with a Quality Coach from the Early Learning Resource Center Region 5 in Allegheny County to make improvements to their facility and curriculum to advance their state quality rating. Eligible expenses include facility or program improvements. Additional information can be found on the CCQF website.  

The CCQF was developed in partnership between the Mayor’s Office of Equity, Pittsburgh City Council Women’s Caucus, Early Learning Resource Center Region 5, Allegheny County and Trying Together. Applications for this inaugural round of funding launched in July. Applications for the program are managed by Trying Together. 


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Molly Onufer
Communications Director
Mayor's Office