Applications Open for City Youth Sports Grant Program

PITTSBURGH, PA (September 23, 2021) Mayor William Peduto, in partnership with City Council President Theresa Kail-Smith, has announced that applications are open for the City Youth Sports Grant Program. This $150,000 annual fund will assist local youth sports team to purchase equipment and gear to continue their critical programming that keeps young people active, engaged and inspired.  

The fund will be administered by the City and will provide grants up to $10,000 to help local nonprofit and community-based sports programs improve and expand their programming to more participants, support programs to remove barriers to participate and formalize partnerships between local programs and the City.  

“The financial strain of the pandemic was felt by families and community-based organizations and created barriers to critical activities like youth sports programs that serve as community builders and spaces of refuge for the city’s youth,” said Mayor Peduto. “This program will offer relief to programs that took a financial hit, allow new programs to be developed and get our young people back on the field or court with their teammates.”  

Eligible expenses for the funding include non-player-personalized uniforms, playing equipment, purchasing and/or leasing play time within the city, beautification of play space, transportation, hotel/lodging expenses for out of town competitions, trophies and awards, construction of new play places and reimbursement for any allowable use from the previous playing season.  

“I’d like to thank Mayor Peduto, Chief of Staff Dan Gilman, Office of Management and Budget Director Kevin Pawlos and my colleagues on City Council for committing this relief and investment for our youth around the city,” said Council President Kail-Smith. “I also want to thank our coaches, families and volunteers who are doing important work for our young people and strengthening our communities by giving them the opportunity to be part of a team and who will now have additional city resources to continue their great work.” 

Additional information about the program and program applications are available here. Funding applications are due October 29.  


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Molly Onufer
Communications Director
Mayor's Office