City Submitting State Grant Applications for Three Critical Mobility Projects

PITTSBURGH, PA (September 28, 2021) The Peduto Administration is presenting three grant applications to City Council today for their approval. The grants are from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Multimodal Transportation Fund Program and would be used for three critical street mobility projects around the city.  

The first application is a grant request for $3 million from DCED for the South 21st Street Complete Green Street Project in the South Side. The project, which has been developed in partnership with the South Side community, ALCOSAN, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority and Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, would transform South 21st Street with trees, grasses, green infrastructure and pedestrian improvements to manage increased stormwater.  

The administration is also applying for $2,205,118 for the Second Avenue Streetscape project in Hazelwood and $2,987,125 for the Centre Avenue Streetscape project in the Hill District. The funding for both would be used to improve intersections, add lighting, repair sidewalks, add landscaping and improve mobility for the neighborhood.  


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Molly Onufer
Communications Director
Mayor's Office