PITTSBURGH, PA (November 5, 2021) The installation of a raised crosswalk for traffic calming on Darlington Road from Wightman Street to Murray Avenue that was expected this weekend will be postponed until next Saturday, November 13.
The installation of the raised crosswalk was announced earlier this week. The traffic calming measure works similarly to a speech hump by elevating the wheelbase of a vehicle in order to decrease its speed while providing additional visibility for pedestrians on the ADA-compliant walkable surface.
The installation work is now expected to be begin on Saturday, November 13 and is expected to last two days, weather permitting. Hours of construction are Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Darlington Road will be closed to all traffic, except local, during construction. Traffic will be detoured to Forbes Avenue or Bartlett Street. Local traffic may experience some short stoppages to safely pass through the work zone. Temporary no parking signage will be posted at the raised crosswalk location.
For more information about DOMI's neighborhood traffic calming projects, please visit www.pittsburghpa.gov/domi/traffic-calming.
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