PITTSBURGH, PA (December 28, 2021) Mayor William Peduto and the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) released a new budget tool today to help the public engage in the budgeting process.
Mayor Peduto also signed into law the 2022 Operating and Capital Budget and balanced 5 Year Plan. The budget anticipates 2022 revenue collection of $658,802,293. That is an increase of almost $180 million compared to when Mayor Peduto took office. Mayor Peduto’s citywide equitable development strategy, enhancements to the city planning and permitting system, transformation of the URA, and international leadership has attracted new jobs and residents to the City of Pittsburgh. These polices have allowed the City of Pittsburgh to exit Act 47, create a 5-year balanced budget and invest in critical infrastructure, our city workers and facilities, parks and neighborhood investments, and affordable housing.
“The City of Pittsburgh is in a much stronger financial position today, than we were when I took office in 2015,” said Mayor William Peduto. “Our economic development strategy has allowed us to make record investments in equity, in our neighborhoods, in our infrastructure, and in our people. That being said, for Pittsburgh to truly have a long term financially sustainable future that can withstand tremendous economic shocks, we still need Harrisburg to provide meaningful reform of our antiquated tax structure.”
A new feature to the tool now will allow the opportunity for residents to create new taxes or adjust the taxation levels and see the impacts on the City revenues and services. The tool also informs residents whether the tax change requires legislative action from the state legislature, city council, or both to legally implement. Residents can explore the new tool here.
City Residents can also continue to receive a tax receipt specific to their payments and participate in a capital budget simulation tool here.