Statement from Mayor Gainey on First Anniversary of January 6 Insurrection

FOR IMMIDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, January 6, 2022 


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Statement from Mayor Gainey on First Anniversary of January 6 Insurrection 


PITTSBURGH – On the one-year anniversary of the January 6 Insurrection on the United States Capitol and attempted subversion of democracy, Mayor Gainey released the following statement: 


“Last year, the heartbeat of our country’s democracy was attacked in a violent insurrection on our nation's Capitol. Since then, I have witnessed deliberate and malicious efforts in the Pennsylvania General Assembly to attack the legitimacy of the 2020 election, attempts at a sham “audit” and  efforts to roll back access to the ballot box by ending mail-in voting. Far right-wing extremists have been emboldened and without question there is division throughout our country. These challenges cannot be avoided blindly, but rather must be addressed directly through a lens of justice and freedom. Where there is division and inequity there is also an opportunity for unity and growth. While gerrymandered maps distort representation in the General Assembly, redistricting this year provides the single greatest opportunity in decades to ensure fair maps in Pennsylvania. Most importantly, in the United States Congress, there is an opportunity to ensure every American’s inalienable right to participate in free and fair elections remains true. Congress must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the For the People Act in order to protect our democracy, ensure everyone has access to the ballot box, and get dark money out of politics. The time is now.” 


Mayor Gainey stands with US Attorney General Merrick Garland and the US Justice Department's dedicated servants for their commitment that "those involved must be held accountable, and [that] there is no higher priority for the Department of Justice."        





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