Pittsburgh Public Safety continues to take steps to guard against the spread of Covid-19. The virus is spreading at record rates across the country, and we recognize that we must be vigilant, especially as national health officials warn of the rapid spread of a virus that has already killed more than 240,000 Americans.
Despite our best efforts—which include mandatory mask-wearing, health screens when entering all Public Safety facilities, social distancing, restrictions on group sizes and strict protocols on contact tracing and isolation/quarantine—six members of the Police Bureau have recently tested positive for the virus. Others have been placed in isolation or quarantine due to possible exposures.
Public Safety Director Wendell Hissrich, Police Chief Scott Schubert and members of the PBP Pandemic Command Group have as a reminder re-issued orders to all members of the bureau to adhere to Covid-19 safety protocols. Public Safety officials recognize that all risk cannot be eliminated from our First Responders' jobs, but we must follow all best practices to lower the risk of infection and spread. Anyone who fails to do so will be disciplined.