Appealing Street Tree Removal

Citizens of Pittsburgh may appeal the pending removal of a street tree. When the City Forester tags a street tree for removal, typically an appeal packet will be left at the six adjacent properties closest to the tree.

Citizens of Pittsburgh who are not one of those adjacent property owners may find the appeal documents below.

Notification Sheets

Appeal Application(PDF, 170KB) - A nine page Appeal Application Form, which includes three pages of tree planting application forms

Trees Subject to Appeal Notification(PDF, 68KB) - This notification sheet is provided to up to six adjacent property owners, with the posting date and proposed removal date written on it, and an address identifying the location of the tree. Anyone wishing to appeal the removal of the tree will need to include all three pieces of information on their appeal application.

Non-Appeal Notification(PDF, 77KB) - A second kind of notification is provided to up to six adjacent property owners when an appeal is not possible. "When, in the opinion of the Department of Public Works, a tree or portion(s) of a tree in a public area constitutes a hazard to person or property, and is verified by the City Forester, the Department or designated contractor shall remove the hazard without notice or appeal" (§ 483.05 Hazardous Trees in Public Areas).

  • The non-appeal notification sheet has a yellow highlighted area specifying the non-appeal status of tree. When such notification is provided to the adjacent property owners, an appeal packet is not left with the notification.
  • Sample Notification Poster(PDF, 112KB) - This poster is titled "This Gentle Giant is Retiring". A similar poster was placed on the tree to notify adjacent property owners of the pending removal.
  • The address, proposed removal date, and posting date from this poster must be printed on page 1 of the Appeal.

Planting Request Forms (included with appeal application)

You must return one of these two types of planting request forms with your appeal application.

  • Tree Planting Request Form(PDF, 52KB) - must be filled out and returned with the appeal packet if you wish to be included on the TreeVitalize tree planting list for consideration, and you wish to receive a tree at little or no expense to you. Only page 1 of this 2-page form needs to be returned with appeal.
  • Request for Permit(PDF, 521KB) - Tree Planting - Return this form if you are prepared to pay for the installation of a tree without reimbursement.

Citizens Responsibility

Per the ordinance language, you must do the following:

  • File your appeal within three weeks (21 days) of the posting date on the subject tree. Such application shall include one of the two types of tree planting request forms from above.
  • Provide documentation showing why the tree is not a hazard.
    • This document references agreement with the adjacent property owner (if other than yourself), as well as agreement to produce insurance coverage concerning the subject tree.

Tree Removal Appeal Packet(PDF, 170KB)