Permit Completion / Passed Final Inspections
In order for a permit to be completed the following are required:
- All required inspections, including the final, have been granted passed inspections.
- All work covered by that permit is complete and has been granted passed inspections.
- All required sub-permits, as identified on the Permit or by the Inspector, are complete with recorded passed final inspections.
- All additional inspections, as identified on the Permit or by the Inspector, such as accessibility and energy inspections have been granted passed inspections.
- All required Special Inspections have been performed and the Final Special Inspection Report has been issued.
- All required close-out documents have been submitted by uploading as close-out documents via the OneStopPGH portal.
- All work associated with other City departments and/or agencies required as a condition of permit approval – this includes but is not limited to the following:
- Approved landscaping as identified by the Zoning Department.
- Public right of way infrastructure such as roads, curb cuts, sidewalks, etc.
Permit Close-out Documents
Failure to provide required close-out documents associated with a permit will result in a failed inspection and may result in the scheduled inspection being canceled.
- Testing reports, including mechanical system balance
- Statement of Compliance for Suppression System permits
- Record of Completion for Fire Alarm permits
- Energy testing and/or commissioning reports
- Special Inspection Final Inspection Report
Administrative Audit
- PLI performs administrative audits of completed permits to confirm all required inspections have been required, all close-out documents are complete and have been uploaded to the OneStopPGH portal, and all permit conditions have been met.
- If any of the above items are deficient, the permit is returned to the inspection process, the final inspection is failed, and the permit holder is notified.
- The permit holder is responsible to address deficiencies and request a new final inspection for the permit to be completed.
Documentation of Completion
- For building permits that include a Certificate of Occupancy, after permit completion and administrative audit, the Certificate is issued by the Building Code Official, a copy is emailed to the permit holder, and a copy is added to PLI's Certificate of Occupancy database. The Certificate is generally issued within 5-business days but may occasionally take longer.
- Not all building permits include a Certificate of Occupancy. For these and other permits, the final inspection summary report documents that a passed final inspection was granted and the permit is complete.
NOTE the failure to request a final inspection is a violation of the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code and shall result in PLI issuance of a request for compliance.